Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Pregnancy Fever

Is it normal to always feel hot during pregnancy? Because I do. And the worst part is that I am drinking enough fluids, but feel like i have a dehydration headache, and have a temperature... about 1.3 degrees higher than normal. For a normal person that is a 99.9 degree temp. See my body temperature is normally at 97.1 degrees. My book says call the doc or go to the ER (if I am less that 20 weeks prego) which I am, if you have a temperature of 100 degrees. Well I am feeling fine, just got the headache. I have tried frozen foods such as popsicles or frozen fruit (which are way healthy and tasty cold treat!) but nothing seems to work... or atleast if it does work, it is only temporary.

So for right now, I have an icepack on the base of my neck to see if I can cool myself down. Make me a bit more comfortable.

Anyone have any suggestions?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know that feeling- for a few weeks earlier back I was SOOOO hot all the time. You definitely feel hotter when you're pregnant. I don't know, though- if you feel like it's more than just 'hot flashes' you should probably see your doc. Have you tried taking Tylenol? Could help with the headache, and if it's a fever, could bring it down...