Sunday, June 04, 2006


So we are preparing to move to texas. I am frustrated because toby wants to play, and i need to do house work to get ready. we leave in 3 weeks. I just don't know how we are going to get everything done. I know the army will pack the house and move it for us, but i can't imagine letting them pack and ship my delicates and precious things. so i will be packing those all up and taking them with me.

I have attempted to work on my kniitting projects but they are being put on the back burners due to the move and what not.

well don't know what else to say. just kinda bored and overwhelmed. the buddy i am suposed to be spoiling isn't replying to any posts i have made to her blog or emails sent to her email. not sure what else to do.



Anonymous said...

OH NO!! Don't get stressed, get a cinnabun. Maybe not the best habit, but it sure is tasty!!

I'm thinking about you, stay safe on your move!

Anonymous said...

Your site is on top of my favourites - Great work I like it.